5 takeaways from the Karen Read Trial to date:Lemme tell ya a couple a three things (or so)

Some new revelations and some old "gems". The newly revealed 2:22am phone conversations between Brian Albert and Brian Higgins occurred was revealed, what was the topic of conversation? Because no one knew that John O'Keefe was injured / dead.
The condition of the body. A six thousand pound SUV struck John going twenty-four miles an hour, yet there is no bruising, no broken bones. Does that make actual sense?
The taillights. Karen leaves John's house at 5:08am, she departed, striking John's vehicle as she does so. At that time you can see the light is mostly intact, if your eyes aren't lying, then how could the taillights already be on the lawn at Fairview at 12:30-1:00pm?
NBC News-https://bit.ly/3VncEMu
Emily Baker Youtube-https://bit.ly/4e3sJ1b