Claus Von Bulow Part 1-Claus seemingly had it all, a fairy tale life, a virtual castle and vast wealth, what more could one want?

Before the OJ Simpson trial, the Claus Von Bulow case was the trial of the century. It was the first nationally televised criminal trial. This case has it all wealth, sex and murder. This case provides a peek into the secretive lives of socialites. Sunny Von Bulow inherited over 200 million dollars at age three. She was a constant on the Manhattan and Newport society scene and her apparently aristocratic husband Claus, fit right in. As the 1980's rolled around the talk of divorce was in the air, that certainly that concerned Claus. The case would culminate in a prolonged coma for Sunny and a possible life sentence for Claus Von Bulow. Tune in for more details!
Reversal of Fortune clip
State V Von Bulow Justia