Send us a text In this episode the BCP covers the most frequently cited theories, including our own, What actually happened that fateful night of February 4, 2004? We cover some interesting facts, that are not typically disc...
Send us a text A flurry of motions with a sprinkling of missing witnesses, was on display in the Karen Read case last week. Aiden Kearney is listed as a Prosecution witness, while Allie McCabe is removed. Allie’s timeline see...
Send us a text The Heath Street gang has been a blight on the Bromley-Heath Housing project for decades, but a large scale raid in 2024, has decimated the gang. The gang's members were deadly, but not very smart. During one f...
Send us a text How much weight will Judge Cannone give the new motion to dismiss for Extraordinary Government Misconduct? Will she dismiss the case? Probably not, but there will have to be some penalty. The motion is heavily ...
Send us a text Kimberly had a host of issues, crack cocaine chief among them. She was trying to get her life in order, so her seven year old child could have a future. She was walking with a friend Halloween night, when a pac...
Send us a text Three things you'd have to believe to find Karen Read guilty of murder! Have you ever wondered how in excess of 8 people, drove directly past the spot where the Commonwealth said John O'Keefe was lying in the s...
Send us a text Maura Murray 21, in 2004 was a junior, studying nursing at University of Massachusetts. She was a well liked, athletic student. On the surface Maura seemed to have it all figured out, however a deeper analysis ...
Send us a text Karen Read’s defense team has indicated that they will file a motion to dismiss the second degree murder case against Karen Read. The defense team highlights new issues with sallyport video, previously sallypor...
Send us a text Ray Patriarca was a complete hellion on the streets of Providence RI. He was named public enemy #1 in 1938. He was accused as an accessory to murder, armed robbery and an assortment of crimes. His boss got jack...
Send us a text Some new revelations and some old "gems". The newly revealed 2:22am phone conversations between Brian Albert and Brian Higgins occurred was revealed, what was the topic of conversation? Because no one knew tha...
Send us a text In 2005 Boston was a different city, we were on the cusp of 75 murders and most of them occurred in two areas of the city. In the mist of this, a group of music lovers started a rap group and unfornetley they f...
Send us a text 1997-Charles Jaynes is likely the most infamous murderer in modern Massachusetts history. Jaynes and his codefendant Sal Sicari groomed ten year old Jeffery Curley. The duo then murdered the child and defiled ...
Send us a text S tation Nightclub Fire 2003 -Scott James wrote the definitive book on the Station Nightclub Fire, in West Warwick, Rhode Island. The book "Trial By Fire" takes the reader by the lapels and propels them trough ...
Send us a text PI Greg Overacker has been working the Brianna Maitland case for years. He has written a new book, "The Hunt for Brianna Maitland:The Relentless Pursuit of Answers to One of Vermont's Biggest Mysteries" Brianna...
Send us a text This story should be a typical American dream chronicle. A child is brought to America, she overcomes adversity through hard work. She left for college only to return to her adopted city. She worked at and mana...
Send us a text John comes of age during the Irish gang war and was soon a full time gangster. John was living the life, he was making money and his status in the underworld was rising. He mostly stayed neutral in the Irish wa...
Send us a text Ronald Brown was just sentenced to 100 years in prison, Yes, in Massachusetts. This crime story is utterly horrific. Mr. Brown is the reason of prisons. During Mr. Brown's latest rampage in 2016, he raped one r...
Send us a text In 2002 Ally Zapp had a great date night on Boston Harbor. She went on a charity cruise and then a concert on the waterfront. She headed back toward Newport, Rhode Island. She stopped at a Burger King located i...
Send us a text How do citizens defend against a powerful DA, who uses a "burner"account to direct judges and court administrators? You can't. As Turtrleboy prepared for trial it was revealed that District Attorney Micheal Mor...
Send us a text n 1997 Sal Sicari lead his fellow pedophile Charles Jaynes to his neighbor in East Cambridge, Ma, ten year old Jeffery Curley. When Jeffery resisted their sexual advances, Jaynes placed a gas soaked rag over th...
Send us a text Henri Gutierrez came to the United States illegally in 2014, he joined the brutal gang MS 13 and was arrested a short time later for carrying large knives, several times, his deportation would have saved two li...
Send us a text What was going on in the Saco, Maine area in the late 90's? 15 yr old Ashley Ouellette, was found strangled and placed on the center line of a busy roadway in the early morning hours of February 9, 1999. Tony ...
Send us a text 25 years have past since 15yr old Ashley Ouellette, told mom she was at a girlfriend's sleep over, she lied, there was in fact a party. Ashley was missing a boy she had an unhealthy relationship with, Steve San...
Send us a text In one of the most heart wrenching stories in New England crime history, in 1976 Andy Puglisi, went to a neighborhood pool, located in Lawerence, Massachusetts and was never heard from again. A man had been tak...