Karen Read Trial Week One-What a ride, the homicide investigator is a low life and other blockbusters!

What a ride the first week of trial was. The opening statements were diametrically opposed. The Prosecution opened in a flat and confusing manner, barely making an accusation. The Defense opened, dropping several bombs including the fact that State Police Homicide Investigator Proctor illegally accessed Karen Read's phone. He then texted his high school buddies that he was looking for nude photos in the defendant's phone, Proctor also said he wasn't going to look at other suspects and finally he called Karen Read a horrible slur beginning with a C, furthermore he wished Karen Read would kill herself. The defense also had a field day with a veteran police officer's testimony, it was almost difficult to watch. The first days of the trial were not great for the prosecution, and that's an understatement!
Asst D.A. Lally was almost universally panned, his strategy seems, nonexistent. Please tune in and share this episode!
Opening Statements Fox 25
Court TV-Day 3