This is one of Metro-Boston's most infamous murders. Richard Rosenthal was a successful financial analyst at John Hancock Insurance in Boston. He met Laura Jane at work and they later married. The couple appeared to be living the American dream. But inside the home was another story, friends at work would later report, seeing Laura Jane with black eyes on at least two separate occasions. In retrospect she was the classic victim of on-going domestic abuse. In 1994 the duo had a baby boy who died quickly after being born, he had problems with his heart and lungs. Richard Rosenthal blamed his wife and seemingly could not move on, despite the arrival of a healthy baby girl. Richard, holding on to the death of his son, soon killed his wife, he eviscerated the woman he claimed to love. He removed some organs and placed them on a stake in the backyard, which organs were selected? Yes, Laura Jane's heart and lungs. Please be advised this episode contains extreme violence. Tune in for more details.
FindLaw-Commonwealth V Rosenthal
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