Michelle Carter-She badgered Conrad Roy to commit suicide, was she guilty of a crime?

Conrad Roy, was a young man in crisis. He had previously attempted suicide, but appeared to be making progress with counseling and medication. He then crossed paths with Michelle Carter, she was suffering from her own mental health struggles. Conrad committed suicide in 2014, a routine examination of his cell phone, revealed dozens of dark and suicidal text messages between the couple. In fact, Michelle, had ordered Conrad back into the truck (as it filled carbon monoxide) when he expressed doubts about killing himself. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts found Michelle's text messages to be evidence of manslaughter and a completely depraved heart. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter. The legal question was, can words alone be the direct cause of a suicide? Michelle was more than thirty miles away, was she guilty? was she evil? Tune in to find out. Please share our podcast! Feel free to leave a review on Apple, it really helps!
If you are even considering suicide please contact;
Michelle Carter's text messages