Officer Jack Maguire-Shot by a paroled criminal, who had been given three life sentences

Woburn Massachusetts, Police officer Jack Maguire answered a radio call for an armed robbery at Kohl's the day after Christmas 2010. Jack was forced to engage an armed robber. He heroically did what was necessary, however Jack was struck four times in the chest and succumbed to his wounds a short time later. The career felon was removed from the earth as a result of his idiotic choices. Patrolman Maguire had served for 34 years and was set to retire in six months. An investigation revealed the lifetime thief was on parole. He received parole despite being sentenced to three life sentences. He had escaped from prison twice and shot at least one person during a robbery, while free. How was a violent career criminal, with two escapes on his record, eligible for parole? Because...Massachusetts
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