Tania Fernandes Anderson-Boston City Council's newest accused felon-life should have been the American dream

This story should be a typical American dream chronicle. A child is brought to America, she overcomes adversity through hard work. She left for college only to return to her adopted city. She worked at and managed local non-profits and soon ran for political office. She was elected to the Boston City Council in 2021 and reelected in 2023. So what happened?
The majority of Bostonians were not aware that Tania Fernandes, married a convicted 1st degree murderer. The inmate, Tanzerious Anderson was already serving a life without parole for his senseless murder of an immigrant, when sometime in 2009 the duo wed.
In 2022 Tania hired her son and sister to her staff, despite being told not to, as it conflicts with nepotism laws. She persisted and eventually fired the family members, Fernandes Anderson was also forced to pay a fine of $5,000 to the ethics committee. There were also repeated issues of using campaign funds for personal trips to warehouse stores and restaurant visits. It's likely her political career is over and she may be headed to federal prison. The current charges stem from Fernandes-Anderson allegedly taking a kick back from a staffer, she had just given a bonus. She is facing five felony counts of wire fraud and theft. Don't miss this episode!
Boston Herald-https://bit.ly/3Du3VSd
TB Daily News-https://bit.ly/4gKQbRl