Update-Karen Read Nov 2024-It's been revealed that the elected DA, was using a burner account to direct JUDGES!

How do citizens defend against a powerful DA, who uses a "burner"account to direct judges and court administrators? You can't. As Turtrleboy prepared for trial it was revealed that District Attorney Micheal Morrissey, had been using an email that was not subject to public records law. The Karen Read defense team has also filed a motion to investigate this burner account, it's unlikely that the email, voicing the DA's displeasure in Chris Albert being denied a harassment order, was the first usage of this secret email account.
The motion pertaining to Karen's double jeopardy, is now a month old, this decision will likely be returned in the next few weeks, will they conclude that the jury voted not guilty on murder? if so that makes the Commonwealth's decision for them...interesting
TB Daily News-https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-436-karen-read-defense-files-motion-demanding-all-ex-parte-communications-from-michael-morrisseys-private-phones-and-emails-cites-bederow-letters-from-turtleboy-case/