The amounts of money in this heist are staggering. Five hundred million in art stolen, a ten million dollar reward. St. Patricks Day 1990, the famous Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is robbed of 13 pieces of art. Some of the ...
In August 1962 the U.S.Postal Service wanted to save money on armored car services. Instead, they had a truck driver and one guard transport money, in mail trucks from Cape Cod post offices, to the Federal Reserve Bank in Bos...
As the internet was taking off, Michael McDermott would seemingly be in a great position for success. He was a computer genius and was writing software code for a leading technology company, Edgewater Technologies, located in...
In 1978 Boston was quite a different place. Organized crime had very little fear of the police or FBI, mostly because local gangsters had them on the payroll. On June 28, 1978 five bodies were discovered in the dank and dark ...
Kimberly had a host of issues, crack cocaine chief among them. She was trying to get her life in order, so her seven year old child could have a future. She was walking with a friend Halloween night, when a pack of gang membe...
1997-Charles Jaynes is likely the most infamous murderer in modern Massachusetts history. Jaynes and his codefendant Sal Sicari groomed ten year old Jeffery Curley. The duo then murdered the child and defiled his body multip...
In 1997 Sal Sicari lead his fellow pedophile Charles Jaynes to his neighbor in East Cambridge, Ma, ten year old Jeffery Curley. When Jeffery resisted their sexual advances, Jaynes placed a gas soaked rag over the child's mout...
The HBO film Trial 4, is a virtual hagiography for Sean Ellis. The HBO-Netflix documentary is so slanted in favor of Sean Ellis it is difficult to digest. In order to believe Sean Ellis is innocent, you'd have to believe that...
(REPLAY) In order to believe Sean Ellis is innocent, you'd have to believe, the Boston Police Forensic Unit, took Letia Walker's fingerprints at the courthouse and then proceeded to place a print on the gun that killed Det Mu...
Donald Eugene Webb was a career criminal and ran with a crew of professional criminals, from Fall River, Massachusetts. He ran into Police Chief Greg Adams in Saxonburg, Pa. Webb ended up shooting and killing Adams, during a ...
S tation Nightclub Fire 2003 -Scott James wrote the definitive book on the Station Nightclub Fire, in West Warwick, Rhode Island. The book "Trial By Fire" takes the reader by the lapels and propels them trough the actual fire...
Hundreds were trapped inside the Station, a Rhode Island roadhouse bar, hosting a fading rock band. The night's draw "Great White" a hair band from the eighties, took the stage. The band set off pyrotechnics inside the wood ...
Lisa's body was discovered on Easter Sunday 1992. She had been abducted from her second job as a clerk at a gift shop. The police had accurately ascertained that Lisa was abducted, however the case soon went cold. A woman pro...
Amy's killer had struck in a similar manner less than a year prior. Alemany had actually left his ID (wallet) on top of an unconscious victim. Both the victim and a passerby gave accurate physical descriptions, why wasn't Ale...
REPOST-We are on vacation this week, then back at it, here is a well received pod from last year(ish) Barry M. The tragic case of Amy Lord, a true urban boogeyman story. Amy was abducted from the safety of her own home by an ...
Phoebe Prince was the poster child for bullying in America in 2010, new laws were passed and significant attention was drawn to this severe societal issue. She committed suicide just after a round of hellacious bullying. Phoe...
In July 1973 Susan Petz and her boyfriend Daniel Porter wanted to beat the heat in Boston and explore the expansive Adirondack Mountains in New York. Susan was due to finish her journalism degree at Boston University in the f...
In order to believe Sean Ellis is innocent, you'd have to believe, the Boston Police Forensic Unit, took Letia Walker's fingerprints at the courthouse and then proceeded to place a print on the gun that killed Det Mulligan. D...
The HBO film Trial 4, is a virtual hagiography for Sean Ellis. The HBO-Netflix documentary is so slanted in favor of Sean Ellis it is difficult to digest. In order to believe Sean Ellis is innocent, you'd have to believe that...
Hello all, we are on vacation this week, please review Bella's story, its a replay from earlier in the year. We'll be back at it next week! One of New England's most heart wrenching homicides. Bella's mother already had two c...